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Clarke Joomla Template Released

The features at a glance are:

  • Built using HTML5 /CSS3
  • 10 unique Color Styles
  • Over 60 HTML Pages included
  • 6 Sliders included
  • Well Documented
  • Enhanced jquery integration
  • Cross browser compatible (IE7, IE8 , IE9, Firefox 3.6 to 8, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
  • Working contact form with validation and ajax results without reloading page
  • Filterable Portfolio
  • Sidebar Navigation Menu
  • Working newsletter subscription widget without page refresh
  • Advanced Multi-level dropdown menus
  • CSS3 buttons (no images used)
  • CSS3 tags with fallback on older browsers
  • Inbuilt jquery slider with video support
  • Styled blog pagination
  • Multiple Page layout combinations
  • Multiple Widget Variations
  • Testimonials widget
  • Twitter widget
  • Jquery tooltips
  • Elegant pricing tables with up to six columns. Get more styles here
  • Clean, commented code with indents
  • Form Elements custom UI
  • CSS3 Font face or google fonts option
  • Google Map integration with dynamic location pointer
  • Google Charts – Static and Interactive
  • Solid typography with lists, content boxes, tables, blockquotes, code blocks, buttons, dropcaps and much more
  • Block Title color spans
  • 404 Error page included
  • 10 Preset pages
  • Demo data included
  • SEO friendly
  • And much, much more
Ostatnio zmieniany sobota, 05 styczeń 2013 12:49
Oceń ten artykuł
(1 głos)

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